Get a neighbor to paint a kitchen

Get obs done around the house for a fraction of the cost or in trade for another service or product of equal value; that’s how smart homeowners get things done without breaking an arm and a leg or hiring expensive contractor crews. The informal economy is a flexible way to cross things off a to-do list and, if payment is in cash or through a barter, both parties can benefit.

A Smarter Way to Paint A Kitchen

A room in the house may not need an entire revamp but simply a new color, and a couple of coats of paint can spruce it up and freshen the look. When property owners want to paint a kitchen, for example, the mere prospect of having to put tarp down, invite painters in, have their kitchens off-limits for a couple of days… it makes everyone cringe. And what happens? Inevitably, even though the need is dire, they put it off. Instead, a more human and less intrusive idea to getting someone to paint the kitchen may just be a door away. Why not have a neighbor’s trusty teenager help finish the job? In return, homeowners can offer cash (but for much less than they would pay a contractor), treat the teenager to a great lunch and a movie or even exchange the hours for volunteer commitments that many high-schoolers must complete in order to graduate. There are many individuals in the neighborhood and nearby area looking to pick up extra odd jobs through the month and who would jump at the chance to be able to earn a little extra. It’s a win-win situation for both the property owner and the individual fulfilling the service.

Even Odd Jobs Need An Agreement

However don’t mistake “informal” to mean “unprotected”. Using an informal agreement is a must, even if it is just to outline the scope of the project, what will and won’t be included, what’s expected and the agreed-upon rate. For example, will the service provider paint a kitchen after the homeowners have prepped it or will they be doing everything from start to finish? Having a service agreement is very important, especially in cases where homeowners know the other individual well. No one wants to have a good neighborly relationship break down because of a misunderstanding that could have been avoided. If it is a teenager or someone younger helping out, having a service agreement can empower parents to feel like their child is protected. If there is a service that will be provided over the span of a few days, such as having someone paint a kitchen, an informal agreement can make sure that both parties are getting what they agreed to. This is true even when bartering services and when not using cash compensation.

These days, online sites like Kijiji, Craigslist and apps like “Bunz Trading Post” help individuals accumulate less clutter, trading services and goods for something they have to offer. This may follow the trending “KonMari Decluttering Method” or simply be a way to live more frugally, with less “material things”. Thanks to these sites and apps, the reach for a call for informal trades is wider than ever, which means more people can respond and get what they’re looking to get done… done!