Write an advanced healthcare directive before it’s too late

According to the National Institute on Aging, over 25% of senior citizens are faced with questions regarding medical treatment when they are unable to make their own healthcare decisions. Experts recommend having an Advanced Healthcare Directives in place early on to deal with unexpected medical care issues so senior citizens’ wishes are respected.

What is an advanced healthcare directives?

Medical emergencies can strike at any age. An Advanced Healthcare Directives is a legal document that stipulates the type of medical care desired and ensures that the writer has a say in his or her own healthcare decisions even if he or she is unable to speak. As a living document, it can be modified according to the writer’s wishes at any time if a change in health occurs. The directive specifies if the writer wants to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation, be placed on a ventilator, receive artificial nutrition or hydration or accept comfort care when suffering from a terminal illness. An Advanced Healthcare Directives provides a legal provision that respects the writer’s values and wishes regarding end-of-life care.

How to prepare an advanced healthcare directives

To prepare an Advanced Healthcare Directives, the writer should be informed as to the type of life-saving treatments that exist and which assistance they prefer. A lawyer is not necessary to prepare an Advanced Healthcare Directives, but it is important to know what legal options are available. The document should reflect the writer’s wishes in accordance with state laws. Most states allow for decisions on organ donation, cremation and burial to be included in an advanced directive. Requests should be discussed with doctors and loved ones, as well as an independent third party. The directive should include the writer’s signature, as well as that of a witness, and should be reviewed by a legal expert.

Americans are living longer than ever. Questions regarding medical care can arise at any age. Given that assessments regarding end of life options are very personal and subject to individual values and viewpoints, it is important that personal wishes be documented so individuals can retain the right to choose for themselves, even if they are unable to express their desires.