Hey, let’s sign a contract before the honeymoon !

The happiest moment in the lives of many is their wedding day. Everything leading up to that special occasion should be shrouded in happiness, but getting married is not a stress-free endeavor. There are many legal implications to consider, therefore, it is necessary – before choosing a venue and booking a honeymoon – for a series of verbal and written agreements to be considered.

Before Booking the Honeymoon

Though the phrase prenuptial agreement has a somewhat awkward reputation, it is often the easiest way to avoid unwanted headaches in the future. Given that most people do not enter into marriage empty-handed, prenuptial agreements are often an act of accountability that can protect one’s assets, ensure that someone’s debts are not transferred to their partner, plan for inheritance, and avoid drawn out and expensive divorce proceedings.

Preparing a Stress-Free Prenuptial Agreement

Before proposing or planning the honeymoon, the advantages of a prenuptial agreement should be discussed in order to embark on a new life free of preoccupations. Prenuptial agreements not only protect what both parties have now, they will also safeguard any assets acquired during marriage. They also secure the rights of children and inheritors. Therefore, rather than seeing a prenuptial agreement as a way to short-change a less advantaged partner, it should be seen as a way to establish fair and equitable parameters within a marriage.

Prenuptial agreements often entail very complex legal clauses that are best addressed by an expert in the matter. Rather than simply signing a standard form, the specifics of each case should be reviewed and expectations put forth before committing to an agreement that with any luck will never even see the light of day.